Save and change your lifes with David Abuladze Georgian-Italian Clinic!
Severe obesity is a complex condition, which has increased dramtically, obesity is worldwide epidemic which rapidly spreading of our society.
Negative effectts of severe obesitiy are the following : Diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, hypertension, and heart disease are the most obvious consequences of obesity, as well as other results range from cancer, arthritis, and depression to kidney stones, fatty liver disease, and erectile dysfunction. Wight-loss surgery (also known as bariatric surgery) is the life saving and life changing surgery for Patients struggled by severe obesity,who have not had success with traditional diet and excercise medication.
Bariatric surgery aims to provide weight loss and solve health problems where weight impedes the perfect life of a human being. Patients who has body mass index greater than 35 are considered viable candidates for undergoing bariatric surgery.
Our clinic has highly proficient multi-disciplinary bariatric team of doctors. They select surgery method, preoperative preparation and effective monitoring of postoperative period.
Team consists of experienced board-certified professionals- fully specialized in the pre and post-operative care of bariatric patients.
Cardiologists – Sergo Orjonikidze and Mariam Grigoryan
Therapist-Khatuna Tabagari
Neurologist/ Psychologist -Sophie Mataradze
David Abuladze’s Georgian-Italian clinic counts more than 1,200 successful operations, All patients who have given confidence to David Abuladze and his bariatric team have excellent results, it is a life long decision to save and change patients life. Most patients are celebrating the date of surgery as their second birthday.
Professor David Abuladze performs the following types of bariatric surgery: gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy using minimally invasive (laparoscopic) method.
We offer our patients a complete, all inclusive package which includes:
consultations with: the surgeon, endocrinologist, anesthesiologist,Cardiologist,Therapist and
Pre-operative check-up: more than 35 laboratory tests.
Entire Bariatric Surgery expenses.
Hospital stay (1-5 days): with 24 hours of medical care
Three week stay in private hotel
Transfers to / from the airport and hospital
Diet instructions and follow-up before and after bariatric surgery
Laparoscopic gastric resection of the stomach
According to the results of the research, the endocrinologist of the endocrinologist, pulmonologist gives the appropriate prescriptions and diet. For the operation, it is recommended that the patient lose at least 10% of the existing weight.